Jessica Eden O'Neill


Dip. Canine Behaviour Science & Technology, ADT-IAABC


Jessica Eden O’Neill owns and operates two successful Ottawa-based, pet-related businesses (Pet Intel. Behaviour Centre and JWalker Dog). From a young age, Jessica had big plans for her future and how she could make an impact on the world. Jessica has always had a natural affinity for and curiosity of animals coupled with a rational and analytical mind. As a mother of four, a multi-dog owner and a busy businesswoman, She has learned to think outside the box and never allows herself to be governed by imposed limitations. Her businesses offer unique products and services to dog owners, rescues/shelters, and businesses. Her passion and commitment have led to groundbreaking achievements in all aspects of the pet industry.

Jessica’s training/behaviour philosophy and methodology are based on scientific principles and a true belief in and respect for animal emotional welfare. She utilizes all four quadrants of learning theory responsibly and provides comparable human equivalent behaviour to help people better understand dogs.

Jessica is passionate about public education and contributions specifically pertaining to bite prevention, breed discrimination, responsible dog ownership and service dogs. When asked or provided with an opportunity, she will engage in public education pro bono.

Jessica’s products and services focus on strengthening the human/animal bond. Her businesses are designed to help owners work through the difficulties they are experiencing with their dogs. In many cases, without her services and support these dogs would end up in shelters or rescues and in some cases euthanized.

Jessica advocates for the rescuing and rehabilitating of animals and is a huge supporter of responsible dog ownership. She provides discounted services to rescues and rescue dog owners.

Jessica advocates for human and dog mental health and wellness by providing effective, humane problem-solving and management strategies. Her service animal work focuses on helping people with invisible injuries and disabilities to better function in society.

Consultation & Education

Jessica provided education to private individuals as well as the public sector such as Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and other public workplaces.

Jessica successfully helps owners to understand and work with their dogs by providing clear information and guidance.

Jessica is considered an expert witness for the provincial court of Ontario for dog-related litigation. Her contributions to these cases, specifically related to the interpretation of canine behaviour and provocation as well as recommendations have been considered highly valuable.

Jessica’s service dog and therapy dog assessment/training services have been sought out by many healthcare professionals to better assist their patients.

Program Development

Jessica has streamlined Pet Intel.’s (the behaviour consulting division of the corporation) behaviour change protocols by creating an education workbook provided to clients on their first consultation with a coach. Jessica is constantly developing additional content and supplementary handouts.

Jessica recently designed and launched a variety of canine rehabilitation programs offered through her Canine Habitat boarding home. These programs include but are not limited to Puppy Bootcamp, Transitional Training, Baby-on-Board, Post-Op Respite, and Weight Management.

In collaboration with her esteemed colleague, Nicole Lapratte-Patry, Jessica launched The Family Dog Program and Stop the 77 with Pet Intel. These programs are designed to educate families and young children.

Jessica is currently working with her team to develop canine nutrition consulting services.

Product Development

Jessica conceptualized, designed, tested and launched to market the ONLY side attachment no-pull dog harness on the market (JWalker).

Jessica has protected her innovative invention by pursuing patent applications in Canada and the US. The product currently holds a Patent in both Canada and USA.

Jessica encouraged and responded to customer feedback and in doing so was able to grow the single product line to include many others.

By contacting local retailers and pitching the line on social media, JWalker Dog Products began being carried on the shelves of Canadian-wide independent retailers. 

Jessica auditioned for the Dragon's Den and made it to the final cuts but not to air. 

Jessica solicited the largest pet supply distributor in Eastern Canada to carry the product line, increasing her retail presence from 24 stores to over 300 across Canada.

To date, Jessica has sold over 20,000 product units and her line is now carried by in the USA and is now independently distributed across North America.

Jessica attends trade shows and speaking engagements throughout North America to teach the benefits of her products and the basics of communicating with dogs.

Publication & Media

Jessica's book titled 'Parenting Your Canine Child: How Behaving Like a Dog Can Make You a better Human'  was published in the summer of 2023 and offers reader a peak into her life and her perspectives on the similarities between humans and dogs. Available in paperback, hardcover, e-book and audiobook. 

Get Jessica's book, available in paperback, e-book & audio!

She has had several articles published in the CAPDT quarterly publication for Dog Trainers.

Jessica has made several expert appearances on local television networks such as Rogers and CTV.

Jessica’s expert publication contributions range from local to international resources. Her most recent contributions were made to Reader’s Digest and The Wall Street Journal.

Jessica is often solicited to participate in podcasts, blogs and online chat rooms.

Jessica maintains a strong social network following and provides advice and support to individuals seeking help.

Jessica maintains a blog through her JWalker News feed with regular contributions on canine behaviour and training. 

Infrastructure Development

Jessica established a private facility for rehabilitation treatment and behaviour boarding (The Canine Habitat). She designed this home-based environment to operate as a professional multi-dog household, hiring a full-time qualified live-in attendant. She renovated this three-bedroom, open-concept country home to cater to dogs of all breeds and temperaments. She provided a graphic-wrapped van to allow for transportation services for her Ottawa-based customers.

Jessica developed a soft-goods product manufacturing site (JWalker Dog Products). She took an empty warehouse and completely refitted it to become an operational workshop within one month's time to fulfill production needs. The site houses product inventory, large work spaces, professional machinery and a staff lounge. This manufacturing shop provides local employment for individuals of minority.


  • Jessica is the Chair of the Professional Standards & National Curriculum Committee of the Canadian Association of the Professional Dog Trainers (CAPDT) 
  • Jessica authored and published her first book in 2023 titled 'Parenting Your Canine Child: How Behaving Like a Dog Can Make You a better Human'
  • Jessica won Ottawa Board of Trade's Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2018.
  • Jessica has testified as an expert witness for the Provincial Court System as well as boarded, fostered, bred, owned and worked with many different types of animals throughout her life.
  • Jessica worked alongside Cheryl Smith (Owner - Call of the Canine, and an internationally recognized Canine Behaviour Specialist) as an apprentice for 4 years, and in addition, has completed several intensive theoretical behaviour and training study programs with the Companion Animal Science Institute earning her a diploma in Canine Behaviour Science & Technology.
  • Jessica has worked as the Canine Behaviour Consultant at her local animal shelter where she assessed over 200 shelter dogs and provided staff and volunteer training. She created and implemented the "Meet Your Match" adoption program by screening individuals and pairing them with suitable canine matches
  • She is also a professional member of the CAPPDT (Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers), AABP (Association of Animal Behaviour Professionals) and an Accredited Dog Trainer through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).
  • Jessica was a Pet Behaviour Consultant Columnist for the EMC Record News distributed throughout Lanark County, Stittsville & Kanata. She has been published in the Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Canadian Living Magazine, Ferret World Magazine and many more. She has been interviewed as an expert on CBC, CFRA, Rogers Daytime, CTV Morning Live, EZRock Radio Ottawa and more. 
  • Jessica acted as the primary trainer and operator of a 6 month pilot project funded by DND in Ottawa. She worked with active service members and veterans to train, evaluate and certify service animals to be teamed with injured soldiers and veterans. 

Social Media Platforms


Instagram @petinteldogs @jwalkerdog @jessicaedednoneill


Pet Intel.

JWalker Dog











  • Accredited Dog Trainer- International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants, 2022
  • Diploma of Canine Behaviour Science & Technology/Animal Behaviour Sciences- Companion Animal Science Institute, 2010
  • Trauma & Violence Informed Care Foundations 2024
  • Canine Nutrition and Health Accredited Certificate, Canine Principles 2024

  • Connecting for Veteran Wellness, University of Saskatchewan 2024


  • JWalker Dog Products (Owner/ Inventor of patented product) 
  • Pet Intel. & Emotional-Well-Being (Owner/ Behaviour Consultant)